Competition Missing?
If the Competition Results are not appearing on HowDidiDo then the Golf Club are yet to publish the competition results to HowDidiDo. We have no control over this and would suggest you speak to the Golf Club and request for the competition results to be published as soon as possible.
Not linked to your home club?
You need to ensure that your home club have a handicap record for you in the handicapping software that powers HowDidiDo. The golf club then need to publish a handicap list to HowDidiDo. Once this is done, you can change your home club by:
- Logging into
- Clicking on the User profile option at the top of the website/app
- Go down to Club Detailsand click on Change Home Club
- Click on Scan
If no records are found, click manually change home club.
If your name doesn't appear, please contact the club and ask them to publish a handicap list to HowDidiDo.
Handicap Wrong?
HowDidiDo does not calculate handicaps and has no access to the handicaps and competition data held by your club. HowDidiDo will only update your handicap when the Golf Club sends a competition result or a handicap list to HowDidiDo. If you believe your handicap is incorrect, please refer your enquiry to the Golf Club and ask them to publish a handicap list to HowDidiDo. If the Golf Club believe there is an issue or they require assistance, please ask them to contact CSICare.
Hole by Hole Scores Missing?
Please ask the Golf club to republish the competition in question.
Club Missing?
I’m sorry, but either your club has chosen to be hidden from HowDidiDo or your club doesn’t use the market leading CLUB2000 / ClubV1 software that powers . Approx. 60-70% of UK & Irish golf clubs use this Scores and CONGU Handicapping application to administer their club competitions and handicap calculations.
If your club switched to ClubV1 it would give you and your fellow members access to the largest network of online golfers in Europe as well as automatic, free entry into the Titleist Order of Merit and many more promotions and competitions.
Please tell your handicap secretary that you would like your club to join in and ask them to call Club Systems if they would like to discuss HowDidiDo and ClubV1.
Booking - Read only
If the start sheet is showing as Read-Only then there is a restriction in place that is preventing yourself from entering. These restrictions can be based on Gender, Membership Category or Handicap Status. If you feel you should be able to book into the competition then please refer your enquiry to your golf club. If the club require assistance then please ask them to contact CSICare.
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