If you have forgotten your password or need to change your password then please go to https://passport.howdidido.com/Account/ForgottenPassword and enter the email address you use as your HowDidiDo username. This will send you a Password Reset email. Please follow the instructions on this email to reset your password. Please note that the Password Reset link will be valid for 6 hours after which it will expire. In this case, you would need to request a new Password Reset link.
Please ensure the device or internet browser you are using is not modifying the password you are entering e.g. adding a space before or after the password being entered as an extra character added on that should not be there would be causing the ‘invalid email address’ message. This is most common with devices that use auto-correct or if you are pasting in the password. Please note the password is case-sensitive so capital letters need to be used if the password was created with capital letters.
If you do not receive this email then please check your junk/spam folder in case your email provider is marking the HowDidiDo notification emails as spam. I would also ensure you add alerts@how-did-i-do.co.uk and noreply@hdid.co.uk to your safe senders list in your email settings to ensure all future emails are not marked as spam. If HowDidiDo notifications are not appearing in the junk/spam folder then you would need to contact your email provider in case the emails are being quarantined by their internal filter. Business or work email domains are more likely to have quarantined or marked any HowDidiDo notifications as spam by their email filter. Although there are some cases we have found that Hotmail, Btinternet and Gmail etc have done this also.
Alternatively, the only other option is we can remove your existing account and allow you to re-register with the correct details. Please submit a support ticket to the HowDidiDo support team if you are happy for us to do this and confirm the email address attached to the account and we can then get this done.
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